Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If Momma ain't happy....

"She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."  "As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been."

Females can be manipulative . I know this because, when googling "manipulative women", I came across several sites that warned of  the "tricks" of a manipulative woman. According to askmen.com, the tricks are: tears, bribery and rewards, flattery, friend recruitment, provoking jealousy, withdrawal, and playing dumb/helpless.  It even offered the men a "counterattack" plan.  The article starts with the statement  "Guess what, guys: Women don't play fair, especially when they want something and you stand between them and their goals. Female manipulation tricks are legendary, and they aren't about to stop any time soon." (Maybe Solomon should have read this article!!)

I KNOW the amount of influence I have with my husband.  He is my best friend and biggest fan.  He respects my opinion (and sometimes even ASKS for it :)  )  SURELY I wouldn't use that influence for motivation or control? I know better.  Right?  Well...

I miss Mike when he's at work.  I watch the clock, waiting for 4 o'clock.  When our girls were little, we even had a special song we sang to celebrate Daddy coming home.  But some days (a lot of days? MOST days?) I'm grouchy. And within about 5 minutes of coming home, Mike will be grouchy, too.  Because I have THAT much influence over him.  I can set the course of our evening with a few harsh words or a few rolls of the eyes.  I can pretend that it's not my fault-- he shouldn't base his decisions and actions on me.  It's not MY responsibility. But, in so many ways, it IS my responsibility.  Because God's Word says it is...It's my job and my calling as a (potential) Proverbs 31 wife.  I need to bring good, not harm, to Mike.  Not only  when he deserves it and not only when I feel like it.  ALL the days of my LIFE.  

May it never be said of me that I TURNED Mike's heart toward other gods. I can get all high and mighty and say "well of course I would never do that. I love God and serve Him, too".  But, I CAN turn his heart away from me, and away from God in the process.  If all I can show him is  frustration, disappointment, jealousy, complaints, grief, hatred, blame....then I have become one of those manipulative women who I judged so harshly.  

Let's prove the article wrong...let's play fair with our husbands.  No manipulating, no controlling, no "turning on the tears".  Let's give our husbands a Proverbs 31 wife. :)

1 comment:

m said...

Great observations and reminders! Thank you for sharing. When my hubby comes through the door I too can be "crabby" too quickly :/ Loving the GMG study as well :) Stoppin by from the link up :) http://simplyhelpinghim.blogspot.com/