Mike and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary on August 27th. We are pretty proud of ourselves for making it to this milestone; we wanted to do something special and different to mark it. Mike can't wear his wedding ring at work, so for years he's wanted my name tattooed on his finger. (I know...awwwww.) We decided to go together and both of us get a tattoo to celebrate.
I am a planner and worrier, so I started immediately searching google, pinterest, tumblr...anything I could find that featured ring tattoo designs. There's a pretty elaborate selection- some are really cute, some are REALLY corny. (i.e. The wife had "I Do". The husband had "Ditto".) Mike still wanted my name and I preferred they match/coordinate. But should I get "Mike" or "Michael"? (I only call him Michael when he's in trouble. hee hee) It was a lot to consider!! So I picked A♥M Once we got to "A Different Drummer" the decision was made for us- they couldn't fit more than 3 characters on our fingers! So Mike got M♥A.
When the tattoo artist was placing the "trial" tattoo on, he had it facing out. I asked "Is that the way they're typically placed?" He said "It's up to you." I said "I'd rather it face me; that way when we get older and I say "Now who is it that I love? Oh yeah. M." hee hee So as you can see from the picture, it's facing me. A♥M
But I realized something today as I was getting ready to meet Mike for lunch. When I look in the mirror, my tattoo changes to M♥A. It took me a while to figure out what was happening ☺ Wow! Very cool. A constant, permanent reminder that I love him and he loves me. I can't think of a time I need the reminder more than when I'm looking in the mirror. When I'm putting on my makeup and can't seem to cover that pimple or wrinkle-M♥A. When I'm fixing my hair and it's a BAD hair day-M♥A. When I'm trying to decide if this dress makes me look fat or I just AM fat-M♥A. When I'm getting older and it's showing-M♥A. He tells me ALL the time, but this is a NEW reminder. The one I love, loves me. And he has for a long, LONG time. Happy Anniversary M! A loves you!